
Now, Drink Pure Water with Essential Minerals

KENT is one of the leading and reliable water purifier brand in India. Trusted by millions of customers, the water purifier comes with a revolutionary technology which not only provides pure water but also retains essential minerals which helps in staying healthy and keeps us safe from diseases.

Mineral RO Technology

KENT’s patented Mineral ROTM Technology retains essential natural minerals in purified water with the help of a TDS Controller, thereby providing pure and tasty drinking water.

KENT Technology

KENT’s patented Mineral ROTM Technology retains essential natural minerals in purified water with the help of a TDS Controller, thereby providing pure and tasty drinking water.

Retains Essential Minerals

The innovative Mineral ROTM Technology from KENT uses a TDS Controller to retain essential natural minerals in purified water, thereby providing Pure and mineral-rich drinking water.

Multiple Purification Process

The water purifiers come with multiple purification process of RO+UV+UF+TDS Control, which removes different types of impurities from water to make it pure.

KENT Advantage

Premium Quality Products with Large Sales and Service Network

Most Trusted & Preferred Brand

Honored with Numerous Awards, Recognitions and Certifications

Trusted by Millions

Ranked #1 Most Trusted
Brand in India