What are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) & How to Reduce Them?
The drinking water that we get today is flushed with hazardous chemicals from the different water treatment plants. As a result, the natural minerals present in water are taken away. In such a situation, it is essential to use the proper filtration processes to remove the contaminants and make water safe for consumption. The main contaminant present in water is total dissolved solids (TDS) left in the water after the normal filtration process. Contaminants that are larger than 2 microns are termed total dissolved solids. A fine filter generally removes particles that are 0.45 microns in size and originates from different sources. After the filtration process, the remaining contaminants in water consist of charged atoms and ions. Moderate to high TDS in water not only changes the taste of water but also poses a lot of health hazards. One of the most effective ways to maintain the TDS level is by using the leading RO water purifier in India. In this blog, we discuss in detail the ways to remove excessive TDS present in water.
What is TDS in Water?
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in water are some organic and inorganic materials, which include minerals and ions that are dissolved in a particular quantity in water. When water passes through stones, pipes, or different surfaces, the particles are absorbed into the water. TDS in water can come from different sources such as minerals in chemicals used for treating water, runoff from the road salts, and chemicals or fertilizers from the farms. Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium cations, as well as Carbonate, Hydrogen Carbonate, Chloride, Sulfate, and Nitrate anions, are commonly the most prominent constituents.
Why Do you Need to Measure Total Dissolved Solids?
Testing the water is a great way to check the quality of water that you receive and use for different purposes. Here are some reasons you need to measure TDS in water.
- Taste- High levels of TDS in water affect the taste of your drinking water. Your water may taste bitter, salty or sulfuric depending on the type of dissolved solids present in water.
- Health Purposes- Water with high TDS is completely safe to drink. However, some substances such as lead, or copper can lead to health hazards.
- Maintenance of Filters- Water filtration systems are affected by a high level of TDS. Testing the water purifier systems regularly will ensure that the filters work properly
- Cooking- Though high TDS doesn’t affect health, it can alter the taste of your food.
- Cleaning- High TDS in water leaves ugly spots on your utensils. This type of water also fades the color of your clothes, leading to a buildup in your sinks, tubs, and faucets.
- Plumbing and Appliances- High amounts of dissolved calcium and magnesium salts can cause scale to form in pipes and appliances, reducing their lifespan. The above are the reasons to measure total dissolved solids in water.
Why do you Need to Measure TDS?

The water that you receive exceeds the maximum level of TDS that needs to be present in water. Water that has a TDS level of more than 1000mg/L is unfit for consumption. A high level of TDS in water can lead to a number of health problems. The presence of potassium, sodium, and chlorides increases the TDS level in the water. However, the presence of toxic ions such as lead, nitrate, cadmium, and arsenic present in water can lead to a number of serious health problems. This is especially important for children because they are much more sensitive to contaminants because their defense systems have not fully developed. The purer the water, one can be assured of good health. KENT provides one of the best water purifiers in India that come with a TDS controller to ensure that the water you drink is safe for consumption.
TDS Level Chart for Drinking Water
One of the important questions that many people have in their minds what is the acceptable TDS level in the water. To help you out, we are listing two tables that discuss the palatability quotient and acceptable TDS level.
TDS Level in parts per million(ppm) | Palatability Quotient |
Between 50-150 | Excellent for drinking |
150-250 | Good |
250-300 | Fair |
300-500 | Poor |
Above 1200 | Unacceptable |
Is low TDS water harmful to Human Body?
TDS present in water is not a measure of any single contaminant and so is generally not regulated as a health issue by many government agencies. A high TDS level, however, can affect the taste and odour of water. The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has set the maximum recommended level of 500 milligrams per litre (mg/L).
The TDS level in water can be determined with the help of a TDS meter. A TDS test helps determine the total amount of dissolved solids present in water. However, it doesn’t identify any individual compounds or the sources. As a result, it is essential to conduct some additional tests to determine the contaminants present in water.
Moreover, one can determine if the TDS level in water is healthy or bad for the body based on the sort of salts and compounds released in it. TDS is made up of a variety of salts, minerals, and organic compounds, including Calcium, Chlorides, Sulfates, Magnesium, Potassium, Carbonates, and Bicarbonates, among others. While some of these may supply a few minerals to the body, the most are deemed hazardous and must be filtered before being consumed.
How Much TDS Level in Water Good For Health
The table mentioned below provides a permissible range of TDS in drinking water and reasons why the TDS level mentioned in water is not acceptable for drinking:
TDS Level (Milligram/Litre) | Remarks |
Less than 50 | Unacceptable as it lacks essential minerals |
50-150 | Acceptable for drinking. The TDS level is ideal for areas where the water polluted by sewage or industrial waste |
150-250 | Good. The water is ideal for people with cardiovascular disease |
250-350 | Good. The water is ideal for people with cardiovascular disease |
350-500 | Fairly acceptable |
500-900 | Less acceptable |
900-1200 | Least acceptable. Avoid drinking water that has a TDS level of 900 |
1200-2000 | Water is not acceptable for drinking. |
Above 2000 | Unacceptable |
According to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the upper limit of TDS levels in water is 500 ppm. The TDS level recommended by WHO, however, is 300 ppm.
Ways to Reduce or Remove TDS in Water
TDS is reduced in the same way that Salt, Calcium hardness, Nitrates, and Cyanuric Acid are reduced. Read on for more details.
1. Reverse Osmosis (R.O.)
Reverse Osmosis removes TDS by forcing the water, under pressure, through a synthetic membrane. The membrane contains microscopic pores which will allow only molecules smaller than 0.0001 microns to pass through. As the molecules of dissolved metals and salts are large compared to the water molecules, water squeezes through the membrane leaving the metals and salts behind.
2. Distillation
The process involves boiling water to produce water vapor. The water vapor rises to a cool surface where it is condensed back into the liquid form. The dissolved salts are unable to vaporize and remain in the boiling solution.
3. Deionisation (DI)
In this process, water is passed through a positive and negative electrode. The ion-selective membranes enable the positive ions to separate from the water and move towards the negative electrode. The end result is de-ionized water with high purity. However, the water is first passed through a reverse osmosis unit first in order to remove the non-ionic organic contaminants.
So, which Water Purifier is best?
One of the important factors that you need to consider when looking for a water purifier is the TDS level. Depending on the TDS level, you need to decide whether you need an RO, UF, or UV water purifier. To make your work easy, here’s a table that will help you understand which water purifier is ideal for a particular TDS level.
TDS Level | Type of Purifier |
0-200 | UV Water Purifier |
200-300 | RO+UV water purifier |
300-500 | RO+UV+UF |
Areas that receive water with a very high TDS level are recommended to use water purifiers that use a combination of RO+UV/UF with a TDS Controller. The combination of various water purification technologies removes chemical, dissolved as well as physical impurities from water to make it suitable for consumption.
Why Should You Keep a Check on the TDS Level?
Even after passing through a water filter, drinking water may have high TDS, giving it a salty, harsh flavor. Also, there are a number of reasons why you need to check the TDS level in the water. Some of the reasons are:
1. Taste and health
A high TDS level alters the taste of water and makes it salty, bitter, or metallic. High TDS levels also indicate the presence of toxic minerals which is hazardous to health.
2. Hardness
High TDS makes water hard, leading to scale build-up in pipes, dry hair, and spots on utensils, and also makes the kitchen appliances ineffective. Checking the TDS level of water helps you avoid these problems beforehand.
3. Pools and Spas
Pools, as well as spas, need to monitor the TDS level in water constantly to prevent any maintenance problems.
High TDS indicates the existence of harmful substances and pollutants. Hard water is caused by high TDS levels, therefore if you’re using a RO filter, make sure to match it with a water softener to make the water more drinkable.
Last Few Words
Installing the right water purifier can help you in dealing with high TDS levels in the water. Installing an innovative RO water purifier from KENT can help you monitor the TDS level to ensure that you drink safe water. The RO water purifiers from KENT use a TDS controller as well. Find out more about the range of KENT water purifiers and bring home the one that fits your requirement.
very good
Hi Eng. Yasser Hamza,
Thank you, for your kind appreciation.Keep reading https://www.kent.co.in/blog/ for more motivation on staying healthy!
When it comes to the maintenance , engineer never bother about the health of customer and didn’t think to check tds ..Randomly check in kent RO watr it found that tsd is bellow range near 50…Eng inner should adjust while servicing
Hi Nilesh,
We sincerely regret the inconvenience faced by you. Please share your contact number details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we can quickly resolve it. Alternatively, you may also call us at +91-9278912345.
Team Kent
why you RO is bringing down TDS to below 100 when WHO recommends TDS of 300-400. Why are you guys not mentioning the ill effect of low TDS? What your TDS controller does? It mixes the same high TDS water with RO filtered water to increase TDS. Then how do you call it a filtered water? and how do you call it safe?
Hi Yogesh,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would like to inform that Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) control valve which retains essential minerals present in drinking water. The ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. If you have a Kent Water Purifier, our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. Please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in . We’ll surely assist you.
Warm Regards,
Team Kent
What are the 2 inputs to TDS controller?
Hi Rajan, Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, there is a input to TDS controller coming from UF membrane. Whereas, RO water coming from RO membrane will mix with TDS controllers output to give desired result as per input parameters. Please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in . We’ll surely assist you.
Warm Regards,
Team Kent
Hi, I dont understand the differences in mention 2 tables? wht is palatability quotient?
Or basically help us to understand in easy wording what tds is optimal for our household needs? shall we keep it between 250-300? Please be specific while answering
I just check the tds level of water from my Kent filter and its 27, will it be ok?
Hi Anuj,
Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would like to inform that the ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. The user can also adjust the amount of TDS in purified water according to one’s taste. Please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345 so that our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in . We’ll surely assist you.
Warm Regards,
Team Kent
Hello. And Bye.
Greetings from KENT RO Systems. Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.
How many times in a month we have to check the TDS level of our purifier.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in and we will surely assist you soon.
Team Kent
Hi I have tested water in a lab and we found
PH:- 7.27
TDS: – 554 Mg/L
EC:- 852
P – Alkalinity:- 24 Mg/L
Total Alkalinity:- 221.0 Mg/L
Total Hardness:- 232.0 Mg/L
Calcium:- 45.7 Mg/L
Magnesium:- 28.7 Mg/L
Please suggest the best filter as per the report
Dear Sir,
thank you for showing interest in our product. Please share your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our experts will get in touch with you. You may also call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link:https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/
Team Kent
Hello this is Imran from Bangladesh. I am using kent suprime around two years, Could you tell me what is the ideal TDS level for drinking water.
Dear Customer, thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, please contact Mr. Tajul Islam at 00880 1766673777 and you may also email at info@skrp.com.bd Alternatively, you may share your contact number details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we resolve it soon. Regards, Team Kent
I am using Kent RO filter for more than 2 years, from the installation the TDS level was shows 96-98 PPM, now TDS shows 222 – 230 PPM, what will be the reason for this ? can explain Kent technical peoples what are the causes for this issue? Local service people are only interested to replace spare parts and charge for that, they are not expert in cleaning or repairing, maintenance the system,
Dear Sir,
We are sorry for the unpleasant experience you had. Please allow us to make it upto you as we believe in complete customer satisfaction. You can share your details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we may resolve it at the earliest. Alternatively, you can contact us at +91-9278912345.
Team Kent
What should be exact and correct TDS level in drinking water which is good for our health. I am using DELHI JAL BOARD waster supply in my house, in this water how much TDS should be for a good health. Should I use water purifier or RO and/or RO UV UF.
Dear Sir,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would like to inform that Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) control valve which retains essential minerals present in drinking water. The ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. If you have a Kent Water Purifier, our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. Please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in . We’ll surely assist you.
Warm Regards,
Team Kent
Hi Team,
May I know the highest TDS level, it can filter?
Murali Krishna.
Hi Murali,
thank you for showing interest in our product. Please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may also share your complete details (contact number and address with pin code) at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our sales executive will contact you.
Hello I am using Borewell Water for drinking , and i have checked the TDS level its around 230PPM
can u suggest is it fit for drinking directly or should i use some filtering process.
Hi Sunil,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would inform you that Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) control valve which retains essential minerals present in drinking water. The ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. If you have a Kent Water Purifier, our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. For more information, please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link:https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/
Team Kent
Hi ,
I recently serviced my Kent purifier and asked after servicing just check the TDS level . He didn’t bothered to check, and he brainwashed me that it will be same as your source of water is same. Even I agreed as he is speaking logically. But it is totally wrong. I got some suspicious and ordered TDS meter and I saw that it is 41 which is not at all acceptable as all minerals are flushed out. We need some minerals as well, and I think that’s the reason WHO recommended 300.
Dear Customer,
We are sorry for the unpleasant experience you had. Please allow us to make it upto you as we believe in complete customer satisfaction. You can share your details at onlinecare@kent.co.in. Alternatively, you can contact us at +91-9278912345.
Team Kent
I have purchased KENT ACE recently and the TDS is between 150-200. But the water is not so much taste. Why it is so? Can you please tell me what should be the TDS to get good taste to water.
Dear Customer,
We regret that you are facing issue. Please call our helpline number +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in .We’ll surely assist you.
Team Kent
why Kent is misleading people with false limits of TDS about health safety. even WHO document does not specify any health effects in perticular related to TDS values.
you are saying WHO limit is 300, why you are misleading people? it is the excellent rating according to tasters for palatability and does not put any limit for health effects.
can you please provide any reference for your table regarding health effects of TDS, that will be helpful.
thank you.
Hi Jai,
Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would like to inform that the ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. The user can also adjust the amount of TDS in purified water according to one’s taste. Please call our helpline number at +91-9278912345 so that our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. Alternatively, you may also provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in . We’ll surely assist you soon.
Warm Regards,
Team Kent
I am using Borewell Water for drinking and i checked the TDS level its around 170-180 PPM.
Can u suggest me that is it fit for drinking directly or should i use some filtering process.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would inform you that Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS control valve which retains essential minerals present in drinking water. The ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. If you have a Kent Water Purifier, our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. For more information, please call us at 9582123456. Alternatively, you may provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our experts may assist you better. Let us know if you require any further assistance.
Team Kent
your service personnel recently came to resolve an issue with Kent RO water purifier.On that day he sets the TDS count as 60 and said that it will come to 70 TDS which is standard and safe.
My point is what should be the ideal TDS in RO system.
Our count of TDS in tap water is 142 (just measured).
Kindly advise your service personnel to set right the system.
Dear Customer,
Thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would inform you that Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) control valve which retains essential minerals present in drinking water. The ideal TDS level of drinking water varies depending on the source of water. If you have a Kent Water Purifier, our executive can visit your place to set the optimum TDS level. Please share your contact details via direct message. You may also send your details to onlinecare@kent.co.in or call us at +91-9278912345 .
Team Kent
Hi Kent – with respect to the my case number 201002-02003, I have placed a request for relocation and technician came and installed, again there was a water leakage and i had to call them to fix it. In this process, my TDS levels are set at 34. I have realized this when I have got the devise and tested. Are you not worried about what TDS levels are you setting for your customer. Your engineers are really bad caring for dxustome4rs except changing spare parts. My contact number is 8197369994. Even this time, my RO filter is changed saying it’s not working but still my TDS levels are well below 30, do you expect me to drink water with out minerals. Pathetic service and I’m frustrated with you over the last 10 year’s . Every time I had to struggle with your franchises, Time to move away from Kent
Dear Customer,
We deeply regret the inconvenience caused. Our service team will get in touch with you shortly with an update on this concern.
Team Kent
Hello I am Srinivasan
Four years back I bought Kent Supreme and 8 months back the RO membrance was changed by the kent service people locally. Now all water coming out thro outlet pipe and no pure water stored in the tank. We called the technician and he said he must take the machine to the office and check it there only. Can’t they find the problem at my home. I wish to buy additional water filter for my office and dont know how to measure the TDS level. Can you explain
Dear Customer,
We deeply regret the inconvenience caused. Customer satisfaction has always been our priority and we are promising you that we will resolve this as quickly as possible. Please share your contact details to onlinecare@kent.co.in or call us at +91-9278912345 .
Regards, Team Kent
We are using KENT RO plant in house.
Today we have checked the water quality given below:
TDS- 30 ppm, Hardness- 15 ppm & ph- 6.5.
We request your guidelines for further.
Dear Customer,
regarding your query, we request you to please provide share your contact details to onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we may assist you. Alternatively, you may call us at +91-9278912345.
Regards, Team Kent
We are using ground water and the TDS level is shown as 528.
Can you please suggest which water purifier i need to buy.
Ex: RO+UV, RO+UV+UF etc
Hi Manjunath,
thank you for showing interest in our product. Please share your contact number and location details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that Our experts will assist you better. You may also call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link: https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/
Team Kent
Hi Siva,
thank you for showing interest in our product. Please share your contact number and location details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that Our experts will assist you better. You may also call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link: https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/
Team Kent
Why is TDS level measured on the post carbon filter outlet and not the water tap outlet?
Hi Sergei,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would request you that to understand our products better, please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may also share your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our experts assist you better.
Team Kent
I recently got Kent Grand Star. It is showing low minerals warning.When I tested the the water with TDS, it is 11 ppm. What should be the ranges in the purifier for High, Good and Low.
Dear Customer,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding this, please call us at Call KENT Helpline Number +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may share your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we may assist you.
Team Kent
Hi, We’re using Kent Pearl RO. Recently i checked the TDS level of my RO water and it was 9 PPM. This is well below the required TDS level. Can you please suggest how to get the TDS level between 100-150 ?
Dear Customer,
thanks for writing to us. Regarding your query, please call us at Call KENT Helpline Number +91-9278912345. Alternatively, you may share your registered contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that we may assist you.
Team Kent
We were finding the water taste a bit bitter and we called the engineer. He replaced the membrane citing that the TDS level was 15. After changing the membrane the level is 85. As per your own table above:
1. High TDS level will make the water taste to be bitter. So how is it that lower TDS was making it bitter?
2. If 50-150 is excellent why is it that higher levels 150-350 better for people with Cardiovascular diseases?
3. What is the life of a membrane. We end up changing it every 4-5 months and its so very expensive. In year we spend as much on maintenance as it may cost to buy a new RO every year
Dear Customer,
We regret that you are facing issues. Please provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in .We’ll surely assist you. Alternatively, you may also call us at +91-9278912345.Regards, Team Kent
Team Kent
What is the TDS level you recommend for dish washer or washing machine, as even if I use water softner but if TDS level is very high it can start scaling.
Hi Ashish,
Thank you for showing interest in our product. Regarding your query, we would inform you that Water Softened Before Regeneration 1200 L (Water TDS 500 ppm). To understand the product better, please call our Sales helpline number at 9582123456. For product details and specifications, you can visit :https://www.kent.co.in/water-softeners/kent-bathroom-water-softener .Alternatively, you may share your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our experts will assist you soon.
Team Kent
Wow, for all questions, the answer is same i.e. call customer care. Then why do u take pain to respond to individual questions ? Instead better approach would be to give this statement at the header in bold font. If the real intention is to answer in the forum, give at least some meaningful details for valid questions like what is the logic behind adding UF filtered water with RO filter water to increase TDS and calling it as RO system with TDS controller. Then you can always recommend to contact customer care for more details. I don’t think I need to explain this because you are smarter than this.
Hi Ashish,
thank you for writing to us. Regarding your query, we would inform you that RO purification followed by UV and UF purification removes chemicals, pesticides, fluorides, dissolved impurities, kills bacteria & viruses to make water 100% pure and healthy to drink. The RO purifier from KENT comes with a TDS control valve. The unique feature allows controlling the desired TDS level to retain essential natural minerals in the purified water. For more information, please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may share your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our experts will assist you soon.
Team Kent
Yeraltı suyu kullanıyoruz ve TDS seviyesi 730 olarak gösteriliyor.
Hangi su arıtma cihazını almam gerektiğini önerebilir misiniz?
Dear Sir/Madam, thank you for showing interest in our product. Please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link:https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/ You may also share your complete details (contact number, Location and Email id ) at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our sales executive will contact you. Regards, Team Kent
bu ürünlerden hangisini tercih etmeliyim. şebeke suyunda kullanacğaız. TDS değeri 412
Hi Melike, thank you for showing interest in our product. Please call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Alternatively, you may visit the below link:https://www.kent.co.in/water-purifiers/ro/ You may also share your complete details (contact number, Location and Email id ) at onlinecare@kent.co.in so that our sales executive will contact you. Regards, Team Kent
Very good post thank you so much for share
Great information, keep it up
Could u please refer me the filtration system which can be make the water low TDS and not harmful for Bathing, Kitchen use, etc. all domestic use. We tested the water and having 1000+ TDS , we will find the some other source for drinking water but we required here to soften the water for other use by the filtration system.
Hi Sajjad, thanks for showing interest in our products. Please share your contact details via private message or at onlinecare@kent.co.in We will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you may also call us at 9582123456 for product details and more information. Regards, Team Kent
Today Engineer visited and said Kent RO showing TDS as 6 ppm & 04 filters are choked.
My query is
1. Is it possible that Kent RO gives 6 ppm as TDS , is there any setting to change it?
2. If filters are choked then how they are filtering water to such low TDS isn’t it contradictory.
3. what the solution of this without changing the filters which I think is all right.
Hi Anil Sharma, we deeply regret the inconvenience caused. Customer satisfaction has always been our priority and we are promising you that we will resolve this as quickly as possible. Please share your contact details to onlinecare@kent.co.in or call us at +91-9278912345 Regards, Team Kent
my borewater tds level is 2500 can i use kent water purifier to convert as drinking water
Hi Biju, thanks for contacting us, we are a 100% customer oriented company and it is our continuous endeavor to serve you better. Provide your contact details at onlinecare@kent.co.in or you can also call us at +91-9278912345. Regards, Team Kent
I have installed Kent Supreme on 28th September 2023. The purifier have some issues that was attended and fixed by the service engineer on 01 October 2023. When I asked about TDS, he informed that it is 350 right now. The taste of water is little bit salty. I told the service engineer to reduce it below 200 but he replied that it can not be reduced . My querry is for any solution to reduce the TDS level.
Sanjay Kumar Srivastava
Mob: 9935342646
Hi thanks for sharing the details with us. Our service team will get in touch with you shortly with an update on this concern. Regards, Team Kent