Prevent these Skin Problems by Softening Hard Water with KENT Water Softener

Prevent these Skin Problems by Softening Hard Water with Kent Water Softener

The skin type of every person varies. If you have noticed a change in your skin texture all of a sudden, it’s time to dig deeper to avoid any serious issue. In addition to the products you use, the water quality also affects your skin texture. Dry, itchy and lifeless skin, even after using the most expensive product,  is a sign that you get hard water at home. The traditional methods of making hard water soft are not very effective, which leaves you with the option of installing a water softener. If you are not aware of the negative effects of hard water on your skin, this blog is for you. Read on to find out how a water softener can help you deal with skin problems.

The Relation Between Hard Water and Skin

Hard water, which has excessive calcium and magnesium, reacts with the fatty acid present in the soaps. The fatty acids in soap form chemicals, which don’t dissolve with the water. These chemicals do a poor job in cleaning your skin and create a scummy layer on your skin. The chemical build-up caused by hard water makes your skin dull and lifeless. This sucks out moisture from your skin and clogs the pores leading to a number of skin problems.

Skin Problems Caused by Hard Water

Here are some common skin problems caused by using hard water.

Breakout and Acne

When it comes to acne and breakouts, water quality is the last factor that comes to our mind. Hard water prevents your face wash and other cleansing products from lathering, which makes them less effective, resulting in acne and breakouts. When you install a Water Softener, you get a continuous supply of soft water, which doesn’t leave soap scum, thereby reducing the chances of acne.

Skin Rashes

The soap scum left by hard water leaves a film on your skin. When hard water combines with the soap, it leaves a thin film on the skin. This film is known as ‘curd’ and is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. The soap film results in itchy, dry skin and leads to rashes. Hard water also makes it difficult for your skin to absorb the moisture making your skin dry and lead to rashes. When you install a KENT hard water softener, you won’t notice any kind of soap film, thereby preventing itchy rashes.


A serious skin problem caused by hard water is eczema. The condition deteriorates if you already have eczema and use hard water for everyday purposes. In short, if you suffer from eczema, psoriasis or any other type of skin problem, hard water can increase the symptoms. When you use a water softener, the ions of calcium and magnesium are exchanged with the ions of sodium. As a result, you get soft water for different purposes and reduces the chances of any skin problems.

Skin Irritations

The fabric that you wear can also lead to a number of skin problems. The reason is hard water doesn’t mix well with the detergent and prevents lathering, leading to overuse of detergent. Excessive use of detergents in hard water is harmful as it leads to skin irritation. Hard water doesn’t remove the detergent from your clothes, which is the reason why your skin gets irritated when it is in constant contact with the linen. When you use a washing machine water softener, you use soft water for cleaning the clothes, thereby reducing the risk of skin irritation and rashes.

Last Few Words

The harm caused by hard water can lead to serious skin problems. Using a water softener can be of great help in preventing dry, itchy skin as well as eczema flare-ups, which are caused by hard water. Some of the renowned brands provide a range of water softeners especially made for washing machine and bathroom. Before installing a water softener, you can get the water quality tested in your home. To book a free home visit, click here.

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