How Indoor Air Pollution Can Affect Your Health

Air pollution is a serious concern that affects people of all age groups. According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), India accounts for nearly 80 percent of deaths in South East Asia caused by indoor air pollution. While many of us hold outdoor pollution responsible for various health hazards, the ill effects of indoor pollution are often overlooked.  The WHO reported that nearly 3 percent of diseases in the world are due to indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke, nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are some of the common indoor air pollutants to be blamed for the degrading air quality indoors. The blog discusses in detail about indoor air pollution and its effect on health and well-being.

What leads to indoor air pollution?

The excessive use of air conditioners, painted surfaces, furnishings, and carpets are some of the major contributors to indoor air pollution. In fact, the level of volatile organic chemicals in the air is two to five times higher indoors than outdoors.

Air Cleansers- In addition, the use of cleansers, varnishes, and air fresheners that keep your home clean are also responsible for indoor air pollution. These products spread toxins all over the house leading to indoor air pollution. Paints do much damage to indoor air quality. Radon, a noxious gas arising from building materials is also a major cause of air pollution.

Industrial Areas- Residents living close to industrial areas are more likely to come in direct contact with dust, mist, fumes, and smoke even when they are at home.

Suspended Particles– Lead, nickel, arsenic, and other suspended particles can lead to many respiratory problems in the long term as they remain hidden in the corners of your room. These pollutants also cause irritation to eyes and nose and lead to allergies of different kinds, air pollutants inside your house or office can prove to be a significant setback for all your efforts for a healthy living.

Tobacco Smoke– Not just active smokers but passive smokers are also at a higher risk of cancer. So, why make your house unsafe for your loved ones by staying negligent to the impact of indoor air pollution?

From paint fumes to pet hair, bacteria, and virus, your house is letting harmful air pollutants grow while you are busy taking precautionary steps against pollution outside.

You May Also like Reading: Health Hazard Caused By Indoor Air Pollution

How can you Improve Indoor Air Quality?

The deteriorating air quality in India is propelling people to introduce air purifiers in their residential and office setups. As people spend a major part of their day either at their workplace or home, they can’t ignore the fact that indoor air pollutants causes a lot of damage as the malignant outdoor particles. Air purifiers come in handy at this time of need. They successfully remove cigarette smoke, dust, paint fumes, cooking fumes, bacteria and virus, odor, fine particulate matter, etc. Especially those air purifiers which come with HEPA Air Purification technology are highly effective in removing as many as 99.9 % pollutants.

Last Few Words

With the growing awareness about the perils of indoor pollution, the demand for air purifiers in Indian markets is also increasing. According to a report by India Air Purifier Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2018, the market for air purifiers in India is expected to increase by the CAGR of 45 percent in the period 2013-2018. These purifiers can be used at homes or offices, and many can even be mounted on the walls to add a touch of class to the interiors.

So it’s time to protect your loved ones from the threat of indoor air pollution. Use high utility air purifiers to say goodbye to the harmful pollutants.

To know more about indoor air pollution read our inside story.

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