Water Purifier

World Kidney Day-Golden Rules to Keep your Kidney Healthy

A silent killer that takes the life of a lot of people every year is kidney disease. The 6th fastest-growing…

Why do you Need to be Concerned about Arsenic in Drinking water?

Staying hydrated helps in dealing with a number of health problems. However, the quality of water that you drink can…

Warning Signs you are not Drinking Enough Water

Staying hydrated is the key to maintaining your health and well-being. Whether you need to lose some weight, get glowing…

5 Common Questions Answered about Reverse Osmosis Systems

The increasing amount of water pollution has made it necessary to install a water purifier in almost every home. In…

How to Check the Condition of Filters of a Water Purifier?

Freshwater, a basic necessity, has become a privilege for almost everyone. Considering the deteriorating water quality, installing a water purifier…

Maintaining Your RO Water Purifier

The reverse osmosis (RO) system uses a multi-stage filtration process to remove different types of contaminants from water. The water…

Clever Ways to Introduce a Healthy Change in your Life

Staying healthy is a necessity and not an option. With our hectic lifestyles, busy schedules, bad eating habits, and stress…

This New Year, Make Healthy Living a Habit, Not a Resolution

New Year is almost here and almost everyone is busy deciding how to make the best of the coming year.…

Winter Hydration- Importance and How to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important irrespective of the weather. However, as the temperature dips, drinking a glass of water is the…

5 Healthy Yet Simple Things to Do at Work

A healthy lifestyle often takes the backseat for working professionals. Hectic schedules, busy lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, stress, and lack…